“Alix Aharon” is the stage name of Alexandra “Alix” Hecht, a Scottish anti-transgender activist. Hecht is a co-founder of anti-transgender front group Partners for Ethical Care.
Hecht took data from a map of trans-supportive healthcare providers to create an anti-trans project called The Gender Offender Mapper (later called The Gender Mapping Project). Hecht is an advisor for Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF).
Hecht was born in Glasgow, Scotland. Hecht graduated from Craigholme School for Girls in 2003 and earned a bachelor’s degree from University of Aberdeen in 2007. Hecht has worked in sales for SuperDerivatives, Checkmarx, WalkMe, AppSee, dLocal, Wishbox, Duve, and Coro.
Hecht reportedly had an “aggressive eating disorder” for ten years. Hecht reportedly emigrated to Israel and spends time in California and Tel Aviv.
Hecht has used a number of aliases:
- Alix Aharon
- Alexandra Hecht
- Lara Alix
- Alix Hecht
- Alex Hecht
- Lara Alix Hecht
Anti-trans activism
While living in Israel, Hecht reportedly saw a 2019 documentary on four young trans men who were scheduled to serve in the Israeli Defense Force. Hecht was enraged and embarked on anti-trans activism.
Hecht’s most notable project is the Gender Offender Mapper.

Hecht has appeared on and has been mentioned in conservative and fascist media, including Newsmax and New York Post.
Hecht has logrolled for other anti-trans efforts, such as the documentary Trans Mission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender? Hecht called it “crucial.”
Skolnik, Jon (October 30, 2021). Co-opting the message: How anti-trans activists hijacked a tool meant to help trans people. Salon https://www.salon.com/2021/10/30/co-opting-the-message-how-anti-trans-activists-hijacked-a-tool-meant-to-help-trans-people/
Leveille, Lee (April 12, 2021). The Mechanisms of TAnon: What is “TAnon”? Health Liberation Now! https://healthliberationnow.com/2021/04/12/the-mechanisms-of-tanon-what-is-tanon/
Leveille, Lee (July 5, 2021). The Mechanisms of TAnon: Where it Came From. Health Liberation Now! https://healthliberationnow.com/2021/07/05/the-mechanisms-of-tanon-where-it-came-from/
MacLeod, Andrew Saks (January 10, 2013). Binary Options Platform Firm TechFinancials Appoints Alix Hecht As Sales Director. Finance Magnates https://www.financemagnates.com/executives/moves/binary-options-platform-firm-techfinancials-appoints-alix-hecht-as-sales-director/
Erin Brewer (October 15, 2020). Mapping Gender Offenders: Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqPkPYMP_6I
Emiliann Lorenzen (Jan 9, 2022). Alix Aharon talks pediatric gender clinics around the world | WLRN Extended Interview. Women’s Liberation Radio News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmcW0XINglY
Winston Blair (July 23, 2023). Rise of Autogynephilia, Gender Clinics & Trans Kids: Founder Gender Mapping Project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UNnn8-xj80
Transgender Abuse (transgenderabuse.com) registered 2020 [archive]
The Gender Mapping Project (gendermapper.org)
Women’s Liberation Front (womensliberationfront.org)
Twitter (twitter.com)
- gendermapper [suspended, then reinstated by Elon Musk]
- laraalix [removed in 2023]
Facebook (facebook.com)
- gendermapper [suspended]
Google Maps (maps.goole.com)
- Gender Offender map [suspended]
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/viewer?ll=12.471746921727384,-50.34134991532821&z=3&fbclid=IwAR3jjHeYpn8hPhXmh-EAd8kpGNUD7R1YZR7wgyC9g5oIEqKnqaHNspU86LQ&entry=yt&mid=1eYJiSslPUsaNtmBj2NmBOtgv8ugnDeXm
- “no longer available due to a violation of our Terms of Service and/or policies.”
Gettr (gettr.com)
- AlixAharon [removed]
YouTube (youtube.com)