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Transgender YouTubers: men / transmasculine

Thousands of trans and gender-diverse people have shared their lives and thoughts on YouTube. This list focuses on people who documented their transitions and have helpful insights for others.

The channels below are generally moderate to leftist politically due to their trans-supportive views. Please see the conservative and progressive sections for political YouTube channels. See also:


TheRealAlexBertie (@Alex_Bertie)

Jason and Luckie (via The Root)

Justin Blake (@justinblake2869)

Sam Collins @SupraMan38

Ty Turner (@TyTurner)

Luke Wale (@lukewale / jeyyounit11)

Rosiah (@Rosiah)

Jamie Raines / Jammidodger (@MrPinocchio17)

Skylar Kergil (@skylarkeleven)

Chandler N. Wilson (@ChandlerNWilson)

Benton Sorensen (@WestCoastElements)

Miles McKenna (@MilesChronicles)

Others include