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Reviewer copy cover letter (2003)

Reviewer’s copy cover letter

Joseph Henry Press
April 28, 2003
The Man Who Would Be Queen
The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism
by J. Michael Bailey 
Per your request, enclosed you will find the a copy of our lead title this season, The Man Who Would Be Queen, a captivating and controversial new book by J. Michael Bailey, one of the country’s leading researchers on gender.
In this thoroughly researched and engaging book, you will learn more than you ever knew before — and I don’t mean more than you ever wanted to know, I mean more than you ever could have believed you’d be fascinated by knowing — about what makes some boys, teenagers, and men feminine. 
Bailey has studied, interviewed, and made friends with hundreds of men whose sexual preferences and behavior run the gamut from butch to feminine to just dressing in women’s clothing for heterosexual pleasure and men who only feel fulfilled by being transformed surgically into women. He has studied feminine men in the industrialized world as well as those in the developing world who either are feminine or who perform ritualistic “feminine” behavior that may shock the average reader.
The conclusions to which Bailey came after years of psychological profiles, statistical studies, interviews, and comparisons of his research with that fellow scientists, may not always be politically correct, but they are scientifically accurate and groundbreaking. And with the publication of this book, the field of gender studies will never be the same.
Anyone who reads The Man Who Would Be Queen will surely be captivated as I was, and as I’m sure you will be. I hope you will be able to review this book. I look forward to seeing tear sheets when the review(s) run. 
Robin Pinnel
Advisers to the Nation on Science, Engineering, and Medicine
500 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001 
Phone: 202 334 1902
Fax: 202 334 2793