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Sun-Kyu Lee

Vaginoplasty with Sun-Kyu Lee

Contact information:

Address: 3rd Floor, 1-3 Rex Tower Bldg., Nonhyun-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

Phone: (822) 547-8338

Fax: (822) 547-8339



General pages:

LINK: (text retrieved August 2003)

Graduated from Chungang University’s College of Medicine
Accredited as an Urology Specialist from Urology Department at Chungang University
Earned Ph.D. from Urology Department at Chungang University’s College of Medicine
Served as the head of Urology Department at Incheon Christian Hospital
Currently serving as a foreign professor at Chungang University’s College of Medicine
Society of Andrology, Member
Korean Association of Urology, Member
Korean Andrology Society, Member
Korean Prostate Society, Member
American Urological Association, Inc. (AUA), Member
Regularly published articles in the Western Medicine section of Weekly Donga, Jong-kyung News, Sunday Seoul, Daily Economics, Sports Entertainment, Entertainment News, Nae-il Newspaper, Weekly Hyundai, Home Doctor, etc.
Appeared in numerous TV shows: MBC’s ‘Amazing Human Body’, KBS’s ‘Ask Anything’, ‘News Today’, and on other networks such as SDN, ICN, and Hanvit, etc.)
Author of “The Lamp of Aladdin does not exist”, published 2001

Dr. Lee’s E-mail:

Related pages:

LINK: Commercial site: Male to Female alteration (text below retrieved August 2003)

Male to Female Alteration

Surgical Procedures


The following methods are used to create a neo-vagina; skin grafting method, vaginoplasty using sigmoid colon cut method, penile flap and penile scrotal flap method. Typically, the Penile or Penile Scrotal Inversion technique (by tucking in penile skin into perineum) and Sigmoid Colon Cut Surgery (by lower abdomen incision using its full-thickness grafts) are widely practiced.

(1) Sigmoid Colon Cut Method

a. Natural-looking end result of neo-vagina
b. No neo-vaginal contractures
c. The fluid secreted from intestine will act as a natural lubricant during sexual intercourse.
d. Desirable from the functional aspect of neo-vagina.

a. Prolonged recovery period due to an extensive surgery through abdominal cavity.
b. May develop complications such as peritonitis, intestinal adhesions and necrosis of intestinal graft.

(2) Penile Inversion Method

a. Its simple surgical procedure can greatly reduce possible complications and related side effects.
b. No risk of causing peritonitis or intestinal adhesions associated with colostomy.
c. Rapid recovery-Four to six days of hospitalization.

a. Requires continuous neo-vaginal dialation.
b. Possible neo-vaginal contractures after surgery.
c. Requires artificial lubricant.

2. Neutralization of Adam’s Apple

Although varied from individuals, Adam’s Apple (uvula) is one of the most prominent features of the male anatomy. Adam’s Apple can be eliminated by making small surgical incisions along the skin fold under local anesthesia-leaving almost no scars. If desired, additional work such as neo-vaginoplasty or breast augmentation can be done at the same time. The surgery will take about 30 minutes to one hour and yields no side effects.

3. Voice Surgery

This surgery will readjust the pitch of the patient’s voice. As part of its physical characteristic, vocal cord can be altered using laser and electricity, but it is hard to predict the final outcome and often requires re-operation. However, through the recent indirect treatment using cartilage plate pull method, the patient’s vocal cord can be safely altered from male bandwidth (100-150Hz) to female bandwidth (200-300Hz).

The surgery is conducted by making small incisions on the neck under local anesthesia and will take one hour. It is necessary to allow ample time to rest the voice, and the final result will show in 6 to 12 months. The surgery is recommended before the SRS.

4. Breast Augmentation Surgery

It is a widely practiced surgery to enhance and heighten the patient’s sense of femininity. Can be conducted in conjunction with other operations such as vaginoplasty.