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Isabella Malbin vs. transgender people

Isabella Malbin is an American anti-transgender activist and former birth worker.

Malbin is also an artist, hypnotist, podcaster, and snake charmer.


Isabella A. Malbin was born on August 14, 1991 and graduated from LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts. While attending Rhode Island School of Design, Malbin claims to have been “groomed into transgender ideology.”

The Isabella A. Malbin Trust fund was a shareholder in the Texas-based Simon C. Cornelius Partnership Ltd.

Malbin reportedly became concerned about value-neutral language after hearing a Caesarean section referred to as a belly birth. In March of 2020, a fertility education program dismissed Malbin for refusing to use gender-inclusive language such as people who menstruate or people with uteruses. Malbin claims the dismissal was for using the terms mother and woman

Malbin frequently collaborates with other gender critical activists and maintains lists of “TERF approved” resources. Malbin and Mary Lou Singleton sell a $149.00 membership that includes a program called “Inoculating Our Children Against Transgender Ideology.”


Malbin began the Whose Body Is It podcast in 2020. It contains “interviews with radical women raising consciousness on the harms of transgender ideology, pornography, prostitution, the medical industrial complex.”






Macdonald, Jocelyn (July 22, 2022). Why Are Trans Activists Appropriating Two-Spirit Identities? AfterEllen

Sweeney, Chris (January 14, 2022). ‘My job is to help women give birth, but I was banned from using the word “mother.”’ RT


With Benjamin Boyce

With Meghan Murphy

With Chris Sweeney

With Women’s Declaration International

With Sasha White and M. K. Fain


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