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Peter I. Collins vs. transgender people

peter i collins

Peter Ian Collins (born 1953) is a Canadian forensic psychiatrist best known for creating the disease “gynandromorphophilia” with Ray Blanchard. Collins and Blanchard consider attraction to transgender people to be a mental disorder. They describe their disease as having “sexual interest in cross-dressed or anatomically feminized men.”


In 1989 Collins took a position at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, now part of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). In 1993, Collins and co-worker Blanchard published “Men with Sexual Interest in Transvestites, Transsexuals, and She-Males” in the Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease. The study described 51 “gynandromorphophiles” who had created voicemail personal ads seeking what Collins and Blanchard describe as “cross-dressers, transvestites, transsexuals, or she-males.”

Collins’ disease model was not widely adopted and remains obscure. Since 1993, the only people who have used the term uncritically are others with similarly harmful opinions about attraction to transgender people.

Collins is also known for being banned from Wikipedia. Collins was caught trying to remove facts from the Peter Collins biography that discussed “gynandromorphophila” and other biased research. The Peter Collins biography was later deleted as unworthy of inclusion.


Blanchard R, Collins PI (1993). Men with Sexual Interest in Transvestites, Transsexuals, and She-Males. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease 181(9):570-5 doi: 10.1097/00005053-199309000-00008


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