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How to order hormones online

Some people in our community choose to take hormones they buy online. Some people get them online without going to a doctor:

It is safer to take hormones under your doctor’s care. I hope you will get a prescription by visiting your health provider in person. Most American adults can also go to a local health service like Planned Parenthood in your US state.

If you can not visit a doctor in person, here are ways to order hormones online.

This page is written for adults. If you are not an adult, see how to get hormones as a minor.

Before you start

Know the risks

People who plan to take hormones must think about reproductive options before they start. Hormones may change your body so you can not make children. You should know the other possible risks and side effects before you start.

Avoid non-prescription “hormones”

Hormones are prescription drugs. Some stores like Amazon and stores for gender diverse people sell “hormones” that do not need a prescription. Do not buy these. To learn more, see this page on non-prescription “hormones.”

Legal online options

Some American adults order legal hormone prescriptions from US-based online services. You must sign up and meet with them online to get prescriptions. They often make you pay for the meeting and blood tests. Then you pay for the hormones and the shipping. Some let you subscribe so your hormones come on a schedule. Then they mail them to you. They do not ship to all US states. They usually do not ship outside the US.

Listings are not endorsements. You must do your own research.

To learn more about each of these, including the US states they serve, see online legal US options.

Foreign pharmacies

Some people order hormones online from foreign pharmacies.

If you wish to take that risk, here is how to do it.

1. Choose hormone options and dosing

People who plan to take hormones must think about reproductive options before they start. Hormones may change your body so you can not make children.

I recommend getting a blood test before you start, then get regular tests after to monitor your levels.

Other recommended tests:

Many online pharmacies sell blood test kits, but I recommend getting it done locally.

Dosage guidelines:

2. Choose where the order will be sent

To your home

To your private mailbox

To your US Post Office mailbox

To a friend or relative

3. Choose how to pay

Credit/debit cards

Cash by mail

Check by mail

Money orders

Money transfers

Online payment services


4. Choose an online option

Ships from outside the United States

Remember: getting hormones without a prescription is against the law. Online pharmacies may move or go out of business without warning. Listings are not endorsements. You must do your own research.

Bank transfer
Western Union
Credit card

These sites are not approved, recommended, or verified by this site in any way

In March 2024, these domains were live. Listings are alphabetical. This is for information only and may no longer be accurate. You must do your own research.

Japan HealthJapan
nHouse PharmacyVanatu
Medicina MexicoMexico
UnitedPharmacies NLHK
UnitedPharmacies UKHK
UnitedPharmacies USHK
* express shipping available

Notes: Not approved, recommended, or verified by this site in any way

Information below was last checked in 2024, but things can change quickly. This is for information only and may no longer be accurate. 

Historic domains

These domains were in operation before closing. Presented for historical and informational purposes.


DIY HRT Cafe (

DIY Trans Wiki (

Trans Needle Exchange ( (

Center for Safe Internet Pharmacies (

National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (

Disclaimer: This is medical talk, not medical advice. Some of this may not apply to you. It is presented without warranty. It may contain errors or omissions. You must do your own research.

Note: This page is for adults ages 18 and above.


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