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Transgender breast implants: risks and complications

As with any surgery, breast augmentation surgery has things that could go wrong (complications). You need to be sure you know about the risks.

Any surgery has these risks

Reaction to anesthesia



Three kinds of problems with bleeding can happen after surgery:

In rare cases, people can die from bleeding after surgery.

Tissue death

I discuss various surgical risks in greater details on my pages on potential complications from plastic surgery.

Signing an informed consent agreement is now part of the procedure for all people undergoing breast implant surgery. They must also be given information about the devices’ known and possible risks:

Specific implant risks

Capsular contracture

Some doctors may try treating capsular contracture with Vitamin E or antibiotics, depending on what they view as the cause of the contracture, but medical therapy is rarely successful. Another treatment is called “closed capsulotomy.” In this technique, the doctor forcefully squeezes the breast in an attempt to cause the capsule surrounding the implant to “pop” or tear. There are some risks to this procedure and most doctors are reluctant to do it because of medicolegal concerns and possible violation of the implant warranty.The treatment of capsular contracture is usually surgical. In an “open capsulotomy” the surgeon scores, or cuts, the capsule to release its hold on the implant. In an “open capsulectomy,” the entire capsule is surgically removed. The body then forms a new capsule but the hope is that it does not contract as the old one did. Capsulectomy is a more extensive operation than capsulotomy but has a higher rate of success in correcting contracture. Only a relatively small percentage of women with implants develop capsular contracture severe enough to require surgical treatment. The rare patient develops repeated capsular contracture but in the majority of cases it can be successfully treated.

Skin necrosis

Leak or rupture

Change or loss of sensation

Calcium deposits

Interference with mammography readings

Autoimmune-like disorders*

Fibrositis/fibromyalgia-like disorders*

Potential cosmetic problems

Too big or too small

Nipple placement


Movement or shifting

Plan on needing new ones

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