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Electrology 3000 and transgender people

Since 1986, Texas has been a destination for people seeking intensive transgender electrolysis for facial hair clearing, especially those averse to pain. Electrology 2000 was founded by Ruthann and Bren Piranio, and in 2006, the company reorganized under new management as Electrology 3000. While the vast majority of clients are happy, several drawbacks include:

Although electrolysis is painful, expensive, and time-consuming, Electrology 3000 (nicknamed E3000) can alleviate almost all the pain, (possibly) some of the expense, and (possibly) the time to completion. You will have to spend money to travel there and to stay at a hotel. You will also have to use up vacation time for your trip. Their rates are higher, but they claim to take much less time to complete a face. For some, it has been the answer to their prayers. It’s a company called Electrology 3000, and like everything about electrolysis, it evokes very strong opinions. These opinions seem mostly positive (especially from clients), but occasionally one hears spirited opposition to their methods (usually by other electrologists). Let me throw out my usual statement that I have no connection with or financial interest in E-3000. Having said that, I believe E-3000 is the best option available for removing androgen-induced facial hair. I believe my biggest mistake in transition was not seriously considering them. If there’s any way you can make it work for you, I highly recommend at least doing your initial clearing there. The well-known advantages:

OK, now to play objective devil’s advocate… As with anything, there also are some well-known drawbacks to going to E-3000. Most clients are pretty well-off financially, and most have jobs where they can take plenty of time off. If either of these is not true for you, E-3000 might not be a viable option.

Having said all that, I have not had a single report of someone who was dissatisfied with the results, with the only complaints of note being about pricing/scheduling conflicts and unexpectedly high recovery times. 

Using E-3000 to supplement regular sessions

Some have supplemented trips to E-3000 with regular electrolysis. One woman writes she had 62 hours at E-3000, and then had 130 hours of conventional treatment. Some do their initial clearing there, then keep up with regrowth elsewhere. This seems like a prudent move for those in a hurry to go full-time. The more electrolysis you have done prior to transition, the better, no matter where you do it.

See also

Electrology 2000/3000: first-hand reports (1996–present)


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